Our free resources help you focus on the most important things to pay attention to.

~ How to create a respectful conversation
~ How to care for yourself and others
~ Coaching others to have a respectful conversation.

It is so easy to feel uncomfortable, awkward and full of anxiety when it comes to difficult conversations. We can carry these feelings with us into the conversation. My guides help you create a respectful and safe space for all.


Your Guide for Care of Self and Others

As a manager you will have difficult conversations. Sometimes they are just part of the job. Then again, managing people can be challenging, some more than others. It is essential to self-monitor as you undertake any difficult conversation or intervention. It’s not possible to support, guide or coach others if you don’t look after yourself.

This guide is provides suggestions as to how you can support yourself and others before, during and after difficult conversations.

Your Guide for Creating Respectful Conversations

As a manager you play a key role in communicating with another person that their skills and contributions are recognised and valued.

You need to create a positive environment. You influence the way people in your team feel about your team and the time they spend at work. How you approach them and communicate with them in normal day-to-day interactions will contribute to whether they feel valued at work. The same applies for difficult conversations.

This guide provides you with a sound structure for your conversations, insight into the language to use at each stage of the conversations and help you create a respectful and engaging two-way conversation.

The HR Managers Roadmap #1 – How to Guide Manager to Coaching Others to Create Respectful Conversations

As a Human Resources professional you play an essential role in supporting managers and leaders at times when they need to conduct healthy, robust, necessary and difficult conversations.

Your role goes beyond simply guiding employees through your Human Resources processes. You are navigating their inexperience, nervousness, fear of disharmony and conflict. For some, you are guiding them on how to be empathetic and for others, how to be more factual. And everything in between.

You are dealing with human nature.

This guide is provides suggestions for pre-conversation considerations, structure, style and the every challenging opening sentences.


Your File Note

This file note is designed to capture the necessary details of an event or incident. It is helpful not having to think about what you should capture.

If your organisation does not have a file note, or it is not handy then down load mine.

A quick tip… I am a big fan of competing a file note just after an incident has occurred. That way you are not trying to remember the details as time slips by.

I hope you found our free resources valuable.
I welcome any feedback or suggestions.

Cheers, Tess